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Power Up Coaching

Self Leadership

Discover with Coach Cora your natural talents, strengths, and preferences. Learn how to best USE your strengths to become your best version. Learn how you may be OVER relying on some strengths, and how that CREATES weaknesses. Coach Cora walks with you to uncover your personal power, live your values, and pursue a life of intention.

Empower Yourself written on road
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Self leadership coaching is a journey starting with “Where Am I Now?” Moving through the important step of identifying where you want to be and breaking down how you got to where you are. Finalizing the program with a plan that defines what the play titled, “My Life” will look like going forward!

Career Coaching

Creating Value in the market

The most basic question to ask oneself within their career is, “what is the value I bring to the whole?” How do my talents and strengths lend themselves to the greater good? Followership is a rather under rated concept and skill if you ask me. Upon skillfully developing the ability to lead self, how do you then attribute those skills and your gifts to the whole? Followership. The ability to connect to a purpose and/or mission great than you; and to work selflessly to accomplish it. This is value. Career coaching is about helping you find your value in the marketplace. About learning how to develop- and share- your strengths and talents. The more value you bring, the more value you have. To an organization, to your client, to your purpose. Career coaching is about ensuring you are walking the path that is in alignment with your talents, your gifts. It is about branding your knowledge, skills, and abilities in a way that ensures you get to contribute in meaningful ways. Facilitate the goals of the organization, the purpose, the solution and you are a market commodity.

Image by Brad Barmore
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Important tools are used in this process to determine the “highest and best use” of your given talents and strengths. A defined process identifies strengths, opportunities, brand, and marketing strategies. Finally, you will create a plan that puts your eye on the mountain to begin the work to get there.

Executive Leadership Coaching

A servant leader knows – and practices- how to lead self. A strong leader knows how to follow. To connect and promote things greater than themselves. A purpose. Humans, we are fallible. Values and purpose are steadfast. Exceptional leaders follow the purpose, they allow values and principles to guide them. A servant leader, having developed their ability to lead self and the ability to follow, is now ready to serve others in a leadership capacity. To provide a vision, ensure resources. The ability to provide meaningful feedback on performance that supports growth and enhances outcomes. This servant leader builds community and trust. Believes in people’s ability and desire to do good work. A servant leader builds trust and grows business through the development of people. When things are not going well, it goes back to self leadership. It always does. Then to followership. Is the purpose aligned? The values? Center.

Corporate meeting
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Executive Leadership coaching is an intensive program that specifically takes the participant from LIVING IN TENSION to LEADING WITH INTENTION.

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